The teeth have the most important role and the hardest structure in human's jaws and many other spinescent animals. The main function of the teeth is cutting and grinding the food pieces. Further more, they help us in speaking properly.
Two kinds of teeth grow during every human's life cycle:...
Kinds of teeth “primary teeth or milky teeth ”
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The teeth have the most important role and the hardest structure in human's jaws and many other spinescent animals. The main function of the teeth is cutting and grinding the food pieces. Further more, they help us in speaking properly.
Two kinds of teeth grow during every human's life cycle:...
Tooth Anatomy” part 3 ”structure supported tooth
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is tough connective tissue which lines the base of the teeth, holding them in place and protecting the jaw and teeth roots from infections. Known informally as the gums, the gingiva are a very important part of the oral anatomy, and caring for them is critical to maintaining...
Tooth Anatomy “ part 2” Tooth roots
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The tooth roots:
the part of the tooth that is embedded in bone. The root makes up about two-thirds of the tooth and holds the tooth in place.
The roots are embedded in the tooth socket in the jaw bone.
the anchor to a human tooth, the root extends into the bone of the jaw and houses...
Tooth Anatomy “part 1”
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download videos of tooth anatomy.
Download tooth anatomy PDF with less details.
the top part of the tooth, and the only part you can normally see. The shape of the crown determines the tooth's function. For example, front teeth are sharp and chisel-shaped for...
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tooth definition:
Any of the hard bony structures in the mouth used to grasp and chew food and as weapons of attack and defense. In mammals and many other vertebrates, the teeth are set in sockets in the jaw. In fish and amphibians, they grow in and around the palate.
A hard structure, embedded...
Privacy Policy for Google Adsense
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As Google have just changed the Terms and Conditions of their Adsense program, one of the requirements now is that all Adsense publishers should have a "Privacy Policy" on their websites. Below is the exact wording that has been added to the Terms and Conditions for Adsense publishers ....
If you require any more information or have any questions about our privacy policy, please feel free to contact...
Mouth Divisions: The mouth can be divided into sections: • Arches (there are 2 arches present)- an arch will divide the mouth int...
The teeth have the most important role and the hardest structure in human's jaws and many other spinescent animals. The main function...
The teeth have the most important role and the hardest structure in human's jaws and many other spinescent animals. The main function ...
Gingiva: is tough connective tissue which lines the base of the teeth, holding them in place and protecting the jaw and teeth root...
We all must have noticed a soft sticky layer forming on our teeth everyday. This layer is called PLAQUE. It is mainly formed of food debri...